Thursday, July 31, 2008


This is me and Missy like ten minutes before I lost my glasses.

Hey I lost my glasses and I just got them :( . LUCKLY I'm getting some that are the same so no one will know that I lost them. This is what happened, I went to Albion Bason for a hike and I was running with some friends and I don't know how I lost them but I did. So we were close to a ski lift and we all fell down the side of the mountain into a smallish river it was a lot of fun. After we fell down the mountain i realized i lost my glasses. We (Missy, Cat, and Lindsey) went looking for them but it was getting dark and we couldn't find them.

Today my mother and sisters and I went back up to Albion Bason to look for my glasses, we traipsed all around the mountain for my glasses but we never found them :(. But the flowers were beautiful so we got some great pictures. Its a good thing that I have been babysitting so i can buy some new glasses. Thanx for reading!!!!

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