Sunday, July 27, 2008


I got glasses!!!!!!! I can see the mountains!!! Yay! Here's a picture!!!!

Well I went to the eye doctor and he told me I needed glasses. My right eye is 20/25 and my left is 20/60 and I'm near sighted. So I can't see things that are far away.

I'm happy that I got glasses -- I like them! First I got contacts. It took like two days to get use to them and my glasses I'm still getting use to wearing them. :) Ya, this post is because my aunt and cuz told me they wanted to see my glasses so here you go! Have a great night!!! Thanks for coming to my blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, I LOVE them Hayley! You look so chic and grown up with them. Your teachers will automatically give you better grades just for that. Thanks for posting a picture. Can't wait to see you next week!